Coronavirus cases are decreasing in nearly every area of the UK, including in Norfolk. And with the furlough scheme winding down and temporary regulations being lifted, anybody could be forgiven for thinking the pandemic is over.

Some know better — whether you’re a key worker, a pub landlord, a restaurant owner, or an employee working from home indefinitely, it seems the economic, social and health effects of the virus outbreak are going to be with us for a long time.

Already, offices are being refurbished, supermarkets are installing plexiglass screens, and many of us are cursing new roadworks on key thoroughfares, in aid of new distancing policies to help curtail the spread of disease.

All of this work will produce waste, and AKS expects to be busy providing plenty of commercial waste management in the coming months. However, many of us have been just as busy and industrious in our own homes and small businesses, albeit in sad circumstances.

Whether home-working has cut your commuting time and costs, a business closure has given you a yawning expanse of months of free-ish time or the temporary halt to Premier League play has compelled you to pick up a new hobby, people all over Norfolk have found lockdown has given them the time to pick up new projects and skills.

DIY, as ever, has come out on top. In May, sales at hardware shops shot up by more than 40%.

But when the dust has settled and the new bathroom or shop floor’s finished, there’s always going to be a heap of rubbish left over. That’s where we come in.

With AKS’s Norwich-based skips-for-hire, you’re guaranteed a good rate on your rubbish removal. And whether the project is large or small, our services save yourself a trip to the dump —  from ordinary skips to speedy, cost-effective Load and Go vans, with in-house